You have been good to yourself. You have been exercising. You have not had that extra piece of dessert. Well it is time to have a big old piece of Pork. I have been craving a smoked Pork Chop. This is a beautiful specimen. We got it last summer on our ‘Ultimate Meat Adventure'.It was from the ‘Original Bavarian Sausage Delicatessen’ in Tigard Oregon. This was a fun shop. It was full of German Products. They had a large assortment of sausages. They had the most unusual black forest bacon. It even smelled wonderful in the shop.
This Chop has been smoked till cooked. It basically just needs to be heated. I dredged the chop in flour. I heated a cast iron pan. When hot I added a little oil and seared the Chop on both sides. I removed the Chop and browned a cup of rice in the remaining oil. I then added a little salt and pepper, 1 ½ cup of water and the chops. It then went into a 400 oven for 15 minutes. I served it with a little steamed asparagus.
This Pork Chop was so smoky, sweet, juicy delicious that I want to pack the car and drive back up to the Original Bavarian Sausage Delicatessen. If only it was a little closer.
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