There is the Reverend Biggles in the House. His expertise on everything about meat can be viewed at his tome Meathenge. The Reverend is a multi talented, gifted, and extremely rugged individual. He can come to your house and build a barbeque in the middle of your lawn with just his bare hands. He can smoke anything. His opinion is respected and trusted, besides, he owns a nice camera.
Ms. Goofy's claim to fame is she has never met a Chicken Fried Steak that she has not liked. She is a beautiful women that just happens to be my wife. She is an expert at Meat Adventures and Bacon tastings. She is an expert at Italian cooking. I trust she will be fair and honest about the Chilebrownacon.
Chilebrown is a self appointed ambassador of promotion to find the best bacon possible. I have been on a quest to find this Holy Grail of Bacon. We found it briefly at the A&B market in Bend Oregon. Sadly this butcher has retired. I have been searching all over the country for a new Gold Standard of bacon. I am looking forward to this tasting.
The Bacons
- Scotts Country Bacon is from Kentucky. It is a salt bomb. All the tasters agreed it was hard to choke down. It had a country ham taste that we were not used to. It recieved a low rating of 2 1/2 stars
- Chilebrownacon is from my smoker in the backyard. Meaty was the consensus of the tasters. There was a good balance of smoke and sweet. Could this be the new Gold Standard of Bacon? It received high marks of 4.6 stars.
- Butler Gourmet Meats from Carson City Nevada was an unspectacular piece of bacon. It looked delicious but did not deliver. It received mediocre marks of 3 1/4 stars.
- Nueske from Wisconsin was the Smoke Bomb Deluxe. This is a quality bacon in all departments. Nueske may be the winner with a score of 4.5 stars.
The results are in. The votes have been tallied. Chilebrownacon is victorious! It was a close race and Nueske and Chilebrownacon were tied for first. The tie was broken by a swing vote by Ms. Goofy. She loved the Meaty taste of the Chilebrownacon. Did I tell you about Ms. Goofy's new car. It is unfortunate that Chilebrownacon is in limited quantities. Nueske will be around for a while. This means that Nueske will be be the new Gold Standard of Bacon. The quest will continue and there will be future Bacon Fridays. Amen.
Most excellent post, dude. Nicely done and thank you for the kind, truthful words. I think I'll grill some bacon tonight!
Four cast-iron skillets? I mean, I have four or five myself, but they're all different shapes!!
Congratulations, ChileBrown. Where did you get the pork belly that you baconated?
I procured them from our local International Market in San Pablo. It is the ultimate market for fresh pork and seafood.(cheap).I received a false alarm that they had closed down from that contractor that creates lawn barbeques. Thank the bacon fairy's he was wrong
I'm impressed by the credentials of the tasters and by their obvious impartiality. This kind of serious research is vital to the Gold Standard Search.
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