Real Men do not like to go shopping. Real Men do not like to go shopping unless it is Cabela's. Ms. Goofy and I were driving back from Reno when we spotted Cabela's. It is hard to miss. It is located next to the Boom Town Casino in Nevada. It is large. It is larger than large. There is RV and truck parking. There actually is a small shuttle. Things are looking good.
We walked through the magical doors. There is a greeter who asked us if this is our first visit. We acknowledge that it was our first time to Mecca. He gave us a map and wished us well on our journey. He said he would see us in a couple of hours. The store is divided into categories of outdoor activities. Where should we start? There is camping, hunting, marine, fishing, etc. They even have a shooting gallery. You don't actually get to shoot a real gun. It is an arcade style gallery. I had to pry Ms. Goofy away from the shooting gallery so we could shop. We just started to walk in a counter clockwise direction. I did not want to miss anything.
There was a department set up just for Dutch Oven's and accessories. I have found my spot. They had everything I did not need and more. There was a display of stuffed wild animals. Maybe it was for inspiration of what to cook in the Dutch Ovens. There was an aquarium with real live actual fish. I guess it was just to tease people like me that cannot catch any fish. There is a restaurant to refuel to keep shopping. We did spend a little while wandering around in awe. I finally picked my purchase and proceeded to the check out counter. (Picture below). I never dreamed that I would have fun shopping.
8650 Boomtown Rd.
Reno, Nevada

Lordy, talk about some major consumerisms, I am impressed. It's just like their catalogs, but all spread out.
I wish I could afford to drive there.
What a wild and funky place that must be! I'll have to ride along with My Beloved on his next business trip to Reno!
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