It is a couple days early, but I wanted to get this in. My Father has been gone for several years now. I think about him all the time. He made an impression in my life. He was a giving and caring man. He sacrificed everything for his children. He lived the American Dream. I would like to think I am following in his footsteps. My Dad planted the gardening bug in me. He would drag me into the garden as a kid. Now I really enjoy the garden. Fathers Day is a day to tell your dad you love him. I will remember him as a great Man. Dad I miss you and I love you! Happy Father's Day!
Dad & Chilebrown

Mother said to say that she really liked what you had to say about Dad. We both miss him too.
PS She is very impressed with your blog and your cooking skills.
I felt about my Dad much as you do about yours. I'll toast him tomorrow with a glass of champagne, even though he's in heaven with your Dad.
Well, that was a lot nicer than my tribute. But mine was creepier, not necessarily a good thing.
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