Yes, they do have deep fried twinkies!

A Journey in search of Meat Products. Fun and unusual ways of preparing Meat with a few Vegetables now and then.
There is a contest at the Pragmatic Chef. Spam Pizza is my entry. You can read more at http://www.thepragmaticchef.com/
Today we are going to try an experiment in making refrigerator pickles. There is not a lot to making pickles. A little salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. There will be a little Chilebrown twist. I am going to use Mexican Sour Gherkins. The seeds were sowed last May. There is a nice little Gherkin patch in the backyard. Mojo and Oscar have discovered they like cucumbers. I had to harvest them quick before my dogs got into a pickle with me. Mojo and Oscar get fed twice a day with premium chow. They both supplement their diet with grass and any apples that have fallen. I am sure glad they do not like tomato's or peppers.
There are countless versions of pickling recipes. This is a basic guideline. You can double the recipe if you need. You can add more sugar if you like your pickles sweeter. You may have notice my Chilebrown twist of Jalapenos and Pepper flakes. I had to do it.
Wash your pickles and place in gallon jar. I take the vinegar, sugar, salt and water and bring to a boil. It is only to combine and mix these ingredients. I let the liquid cool and add jalapenos and pepper flakes. Pour the liquid into gallon jar. Place in refrigerator and wait a week. Next week I will report back with the pickle scoop.
Place all ingredients into sauce pan and bring to simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes, Let cool before using processor. Process until mixture is smooth. Run mixture through a fine sieve and reserve.
The next step is to coat your chile's in an egg batter. The chiles are dipped first into flour and then an egg mixture. The egg mixture is created by separating 6 eggs into yolks and whites. Beat the whites until a stiff peak forms. Mix the yolks with 2 tablespoons of flour. Fold the yolks into the beaten egg whites. This is your egg mixture. Dredge your stuffed chiles through 1 cup of flour. Then dip them into your egg mixture. These baby's are ready to fry in 1/2 inch of 350 degree oil. Fry for approximately 4 minutes on each side. When they are golden brown remove them to some paper towels to absorb some of the oil.
Serve these beautiful golden egg covered New Hatch Chiles with your sauce and the usual accompaniments. This is one special dish!!
Ammazzo Chile's
Combine all ingredients and stir until blended.
Rub the chicken with rub and set aside. Take a Cast Iron Skillet and lay all ingredients except chicken,spices,sugar and broth on bottom of pan. Lay the chicken on top, skin side up, on the vegetable tortilla chile mixture
Build a medium hot fire in a Weber. Lay the coals evenly throughout the kettle. Place the Cast Iron Pan in the middle of the grate. Put the lid on with all vents open and cook for 1 hour.
After 1 hour, remove chicken and reserve. Take all the ingredients in the bottom of the skillet and place them in a food processor.
The next step is how to get in trouble with your wife. I do not recommend this to anybody. Place all the Hot ingredients in a food processor. Add a little broth and let it whirl. WARNING step back. This sucker is going to blow. The ingredients spun for 20 seconds and all of a sudden the lid came off and sprayed the kitchen and Myself with hot liquid. It is a good thing that I was wearing my safety sunglasses. This was not a pretty site. There was liquid all over the kitchen. The ceiling, walls, stove, refrigerator, dogs and the floor were covered with food. I went outside and told Ms. Goofy what had happened. I have been outside ever since. I heard dinner was pretty good from what was salvaged. I will tell you the rest of the recipe, but be careful.
Add broth and vegetables to processor. Place mixture back in pan and simmer. Cut chicken into 8 pieces and add to simmering mixture. Add your spices,sugar and cook for 15 minutes. Serve over rice and enjoy if you are not in the Doghouse. Can I come over to your house to shower?, Please!