Michael Hemmer is an artist that lives in the Coastal Mountains of Oregon. In his own words, He lives an Alternative life style. He also creates hand forged knives. These knives are made from recycled high carbon Swedish saw steel. This steel is heated in a coal-fired forge. They are then beaten and compacted by a hammer. This process causes a higher carbon concentration to be forced to the cutting edge. "The actual crystalyn structure is tightened and more perfectly aligned resulting in a more durable, longer lasting finer keener edge". Yes, these knives do have a keen edge. You can sharpen and hone these beauties to a razor sharp finish. They do need to be washed and dried after every use because they will rust.
We found these knives in a gift shop in Oregon. The cleaver was my first purchase. It was a gateway knife. I had to have more. The rest of these knives were obtained directly from Michael Hemmer. They were purchased over 10 years ago. I am not sure if he sells them directly anymore. You can pick them up at the Blacksmith Shop in Ferndale California. When you use one of these knives you can feel the pride and craftsmanship throughout. These knives are functional pieces of Art.

Beautiful, simply beautiful. The one non-stainless knife I have is my grandmother's boning knife and, you're right, it will rust but it keeps a much better edge than my easier-care knives.
Well these knives definitely look like they were forged by a legit blacksmith. Take what you will of it.
cold steel
These are indeed knives made with great artistic mind and equipped with full functionality. I love collecting knives. I have my own crook knife, cold steel knife and buck knife. I love them because they have a lot of purposes.
I also have a collection of knives. Almost all of them are survival knives though. One of my favorites is the kershaw leek. It's very handy and sharp. I always carry it whenever I go on camping.
Just like Riley, I also collect survical knives. Kershaw leek is one of my favorites. I also have buck knife and gerber pocket knife.
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