Chilebrown is on Vacation. What is there to do? How about driving 213 miles on a Mini Meat Adventure. This event was a fast paced tour of Northern California. Four Butchers/Meat Markets were visited. One ice chest was filled with cured, smoked meaty delights . Three quarters of a tank of gas was burned. This trip of Mad Meatness took 6 hours from start to finish. I think this may be a new Meat record. Sit back and buckle your Meat Belt. We will take you on a Mad Meat Genius , Mini meat adventure
Mad Butchers Meat was the first stop. This Industrial Cave of Meat was located on the outskirts of Sacramento. There was not to many businesses around this Cavern of prepared protein. They did smoke some sausage and this was procured. Mad Mead Butchers had a lot of Asians working at their facility. They sold a lot of package deals of meat. The clerk was very nice and told me they sold lots of meat deals. This would be a great place to pick up a freezer full of beef.

On to Jackson California. This leg of the trip was around 45 minutes. It was a scenic drive that passed through Sloughouse Ca. They grow a lot corn and at one time grew hops. Jackson Ca. is in the Heart of the Motherlode. That means Gold. Some of the richest Gold mines in Ca. were located here. Now they have some of the best smoked bacon, hams and sausage around. Lots of antique shops and even a ravioli factory are here. I was on a Mission. A Meat Adventure mission. Swingle's was my destination.

On the Road Again
{ On the road again, Just can't wait to get on the road again.The life I love is visiting Butchers with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again.On the road again
Goin' places that I've never been.Seein' things that I may never see again!}
And I can't wait to get on the road again.On the road again
Goin' places that I've never been.Seein' things that I may never see again!}
Sorry Willie.

Lockford California is the home of Lockford Sausage. This is a local favorite. When I say local, I mean all up and down the state. It is a local favorite,because , this is the only place to get this sausage that I know of. My favorite is 'Dakota'. This sausage is a mild combination of veal pork and turkey.I bought 20 dollars worth. It probably will not last long, because it is Ms. Goofy's favorite too.
Dakota Sausage
Lodi California. Do you want to be stuck again? (Creedence Clearwater Revival) You may be if you are at 'Lakewood Meats". Lakewood Meats is in very nondescript small strip mall in Lodi. The windows are even tinted to make this 'Last House' of 'Sausage Lore' a little more mysterious. Once you walk in, this a meat house of Love. This is an 'Old School' of sausage making. I was greeted by very friendly employees. They got a chuckle of me taking a picture of the front. All of a sudden I had the privilege to travel to the back of this sausage factory. I met the sausage maker and saw the scary smoker room. This is what Meat Adventure's are all about.!!!!
Scary Smoker

We have an Ice Chest of Meat. The next adventures are what to Cook with all this Goodness! Got any Meatsuggestions?
I'd say you hit the motherload! I have a feeling your grill is going to be bathed in meaty goodness, have fun!
Can't wait to hear all the fun you have with this treasure!
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