Why is Mojo moping around? He just received a Major Award from Bacon Salt. Last December, Bacon Salt had a recipe contest. Mad Meat Genius went to the lab and created 'Crab Cakes a la Baconnaise'. These cakes were
'Scrumpdillyicious'. Using fresh cooked crab was the key. The Baconnaise was a perfect ingredient to put this dish over the top. The people at Bacon Salt just sent this award the other day.
Why is Mojo moping? He posed for the original review of Baconnaise. He was present in the creation and consumption of the Crab Cakes. Mojo wants to know why he never gets to try this stuff. He thinks Chilebrown is pretty darn stingy. He will sing a different tune when he gets his own special batch of Bacon Dog Cookies..
Nice job, those crab cakes looked fantastic. I haven't made crab cakes since our dog (a 70lb. great dane/sharpaie mix) hopped on the table and helped himself, so tell mojo it could be worse!
Cookiecrumb. Ooooh (Owwoohe)without the e is so Marin. I have just heard that the Ahwahenee Hotel had to be closed down. Whats next? The Firefalls have been long gone. I just do not know what to do.
I will start the recovery by making bacon.
I will vote for any candidate that can sing, "The Indian Love Song" http://www.madmeatgenius.com/2008/08/yose.html
This song is so special. It has so many memories. The Indian Love Song.
I'm sad about the Ahwahnee but we don't want it to fall down now, do we? And in the meantime, there's always baconnaise. Congrats on your prize!
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