"Here comes the judge, Here comes the judge.". Yes, You too can become a judge. The Kansas City Barbeque Society will be offering a class to become a certified barbeque judge. It will be a one day class. It will be held Saturday July 11 in Fairfield California. What will you learn? This is from the KCBS;
{As part of the class you will receive instruction in KCBS scoring, procedures, allowed and disallowed display techniques, new rules for 2009, and actually score (and eat!) competition entries in all four KCBS categories. After scoring each meat, scores will be discussed and you’ll receive feed back that will help you to more systematically score entries. If you are a new competitor, you’ll get some real insights into what constitutes a winning entry in the judges’ eyes.}
The best part of this class is the hands on tasting of barbeque. Once you have completed this class, You will be eligible to judge future KCBS competitions. Let me tell you that this is one serious fun experience. Hope to see you there.

No kidding, there's a whole society with standards for judging barbecue?? What a hoot!
Gee, I wonder who will be attending this judging class?
Zoomie, It is serious business, but a lot of fun.
Rev., We hope you make it.
OH, I'll be there for sure. Yesh!
Do you roll your ribs like that when cooking on the WSM? How do they turn out? Does the meat curve once it's off the cooker?
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