Saturday, May 2, 2009


On a quest to find the 'Holy Grail' of chileverde brings the Mad Meat Genius crew to 'La Cabana'. This is a long and hard journey to find the best pork and chile dish. In these troubled times with the Swine Flu, Ms. Goofy and I have risked our lives to report our humble findings. We would like you to share this dish of Verde Delight!

This salsa looks delicious, but does not deliver. There are roasted components, but lacks heat and salt. I am such a critic.

What a pretty plate. If it only delivered. The beef filled taquitos were greasy. This restaurant must have a ration on salt. Wow, I hope the chileverde is ready for the Mad Meat Genius Slam.

The pork was tender and the sauce was green. That was about it. The Negro Modelo was cold and that probably was the best part about our dining adventure. Onwards to another establisment. We will find the Holy Grail of Chileverde.

La Cabana

1500-B Monunent Blvd

Concord Ca.


1 comment:

  1. And it looked so good sitting on the plate... oh well... time to trek on...
