Thursday, July 9, 2009


Dutch Ovens are a versatile and 'Green' cooking vessel. They are great for camping, competition and for cooking in your own backyard with out heating up the kitchen. A Dutch Oven can cook anything your home oven can cook, but, quicker and more efficient. If you use Green charcoals you may feel better about yourself and the planet. (Who am I kidding?)

Today We are making Peach Pie. Peaches are just starting to come in to season. Buy your peaches from your local vendor and support the local farmers. I was watching the 'Michael Jackson Memorial' and shed a tear when Jermaine sang "Smile". What does that have to have to with peach pie? When you make a pie, use your emotions, make them cry with your results, and Smile.


  1. That looks absolutely fantastic! Did you get my phone number, by the way? Hint, hint. I'm available for future pie tastings, too!

  2. Yes, You are lock and loaded in the future tasting adventures. You been hanging out at the Wednesday evening markets. I went looking for Narsai and was dissapointed.
