Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Oh yeah, Trixe Norton has taken over the household. We have purchased a huge jungle jim that she climbs over constantly. Well, unless she is climbing over poor Mojo and Oscar. Our kitty has become the Queen of the Roost. She goes wherever she wants. She sometimes terrorises the Doggies. She is only playing, but our Golden Lap Dogs have been very patient.

Sometimes Mojo will play with the Queen Trixie, unless he is using her as an eye shade.

It has been fun and sometime trying to get our family to get a long. It is a good thing that barbeque has been there for us. Well at least for Ms. Goofy and I.. All I can say is that we are family

We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up ev'rybody and sing


  1. Awww, kitty. If Tiny E wasn't so deathly allergic, we'd have one too. Nice shootin' Tex! Children and pets should be taken at eye level, not all towering over an junk.

    xo, Biggles

  2. Love these pictures of an adorable trio! Did the dogs want to chase, at first, or have they always been mellow?

  3. Reverend, maybe they have a hybrid kitty that is non alergic. You know like the laberpoodlesnickerdoodle dog. Just a thought

    Zoomie, The dogs were actually very standoffish. They like to bark when there is a fence protecting them. They had a cat before and actually protected it from neighbor cats.

  4. As an owner of two cats myself... love the pictures.

  5. Welcome to MMG 'A Year on the Grill'. Trixe has been a fun handfull.
    I took a gander at some of your pictures. You sure know your way around the Que. We will have to swap stories.
