Friday, October 23, 2009



Trixie, You stole and broke our hearts in a brief instant. Why did you have to leave us so soon? We will cherish every moment that we did have. We love you little Trixie. Paul Peggy, Oscar and Mojo.


  1. Mad Meat Genius will be closed for a little while. Thankyou to friends and family for your support. Peace, Paul

  2. Trixie-- you were the sweetest kitten ever. Auntie and Grandma loved you very much and we will miss you forever. Our condolences to your mama, papa and big brothers.

  3. OH NOOOOO! I am so, so sorry.
    The loss of a pet is so difficult. They crawl right in our hearts in a flash. Hugs to you.
    Lea Ann

  4. NOOOO! But you know I saw the cutest kittens at the Pet Smart in San Leandro last week.

    This has not been a good year for people or pets.

  5. Oh, I'm so very sorry to hear this. Sympathies to all at the Chilebrown house. Sad sad.

  6. Very sorry to read this. We buried a cat just last spring.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about Trixie, Paul. Give Peggy and the dogs a big hug from us.

  8.'s Mrs. Pragmatic Chef. I'm so sorry about your kitty. We totally get it.
    Prayers shooting upward on your behalf.


  9. So sorry to hear about your cat. I've had my fair share of pets, and I know it isn't easy losing one.

  10. so sad... we have two cats that are 11 years old. Spend too much time thinking of that sad day to come and not enough time playing string

  11. So sorry to hear of your loss. We recently lost our dog of 3 years, Trooper. I never realized how attached I was to him. I still think about him daily.

    Take you time and grieve.

  12. We are so sad to hear of your loss. It's most difficult to lose our little ones.

  13. A nose twitch, a little whisker movin's mixed in with some dreamy stares, Trixie had it all. Please be thankful for the time you spent with the little dear. I know she's thankful and quite grateful. See? She's smiling at you!

    xo, Biggles

  14. Sorry to hear of your loss. We and our cats send our condolences.

  15. Let me belatedly add my expression of sorrow. Utter, tears-that-hurt sorrow. I hope that now you are feeling a little better, but I know you're still looking under chairs and tables, expecting to find her. As our friend Dr. Biggles said, you can still find her, but you'll have to look in a different place: your heart.
