Chilebrown has just set a record for eating gravy and stuffing. Dinner was delicious. I tried to use some restraint on my food consumption. I only had two helpings of everything to begin the food marathon. The turkey was nice and the pies were sweet, but I live for the stuffing. A quick nap on the couch was in order. It helped that the Oakland Raiders stunk up Cowboys stadium. A quick refresh and all of a sudden I was hungry again. A fast trip to the Chilebrown Ice cave and a huge mound of stuffing and gravy was found. This stuffing is special to me. It is comfort food to the top level. Home made bread is an important ingredient. Vegetables, Italian sausage, water chestnuts and spices round out this bread pudding of Love.

Chilebrown's Thanksgiving Stuffing
- Home made Bread (Cook 5 days beforehand. Slice into cubes two days before)
- 1 onion chopped
- 4 cloves garlic chopped
- 2 celery stalks chopped
- 1 can whole water chestnuts chopped into large chunks
- 3 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
- 2 tablespoons fresh chopped sage
- salt and pepper
- 1 cube of butter
- 1 red bell pepper chopped
- 1 pound of Italian sausage (cooked and cooled)
- 3/4 pound mushrooms chopped
- warm chicken stock
Saute the onions, garlic, peppers and celery with cube of butter in pan. Cook for about 10 minutes. Take a large bowl and combine all the rest of the ingredients except chicken stock. Gradually add chicken stock stirring until a moist mixture is achieved. Place stuffing into turkey cavities. If you have left over stuffing place into pan and bake in oven. Bake until there is a crispy outer crust and heated through entirely. Cook bird as directed in oven or bbq. Serve with buckets of gravy

It is all about the stuffing. I wish we did not have to wait to next Thanksgiving for more stuffing. I think I am going to eat some more stuffing. The couch is looking a little lonely.
Sunflower in November

Stuffing and gravy...
It's OK to have it for breakfast, right?
Alright buster, since I wasn't able to bring you over any, where'd you get the gravy? Smoky gravy? Or did you roast a turkey?
Kailyn, I just had a bowl of stuffing for breakfast.
Rev. Biggles, We all have our secrets.
I do love the stuffing - one of the very best parts of Thanksgiving. I'd be interested to know how you do your turkey on the barbie, too.
I'll bet you had some juice tucked in your deep freezer for just such an occasion, I'll betcha.
Man, that looks outrageous. What's the DL on coking a stuffed bird in the smoker? I always do the birds empty.
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