Monday, January 11, 2010


Tito is the local barber in Rodeo, California. He is a great fisherman, He cuts our hair and can also dance like Michael Jackson on the dance floor. Tito knows everybody in town and is a local hero. These shots were stolen from the Crab Feed at the 'Crockett Bass Club'.

What does that have to with cast iron? Not a lot! Check out my new pot. It is huge.


  1. Tito? I knew he was a washed up mixed martial arts fighter but DANG he is looking a bit older in those pics! (ha ha)

    Great cast iron you have!

  2. There was a crab feed and I wasn't invited? And there was dancing? I'm off to sulk in a corner -- while I contemplate smacking you with the cast iron. ;-)

  3. Can't wait to read what comes out of that big pot! Check Zoomie Station tomorrow for the tamale post!

  4. Yeah what are you planning on cooking in that monstrosity of a pot, damn i could sit in that thing, LOL.

  5. Ribsamokin, We acutually cooked a whole chicken that was flattened over a bed of potato's. It turned out wonderful but We had a camera malfunction.

    Zoomie, Can't Wait!

    Kailyn, If we had only known.

    Chris, Tito can sure spin that dance floor!

  6. I love Tito (unless he's a Raider's fan)

    and thanks for the Buffalo Hunting Visual and of course that visual included black and silver war paint.

  7. highlandsranchfoodie, Jeeze at our neck of the woods, either Silver & Black or Gold & Red. Tito is a barber who knows who the real championa are!

  8. Wow, Tito looks like the life of the party! Too bad about the camera malfunction... I look forward to the next cast iron event.
