Sunday, February 28, 2010


Berkeley Bowl West is a 'Foodie Paradise'. Today was no exception. We were on a mission to find artichokes. The Berkeley Bowl has so many artichoke choices. They had X-Large- to small, organic and even chokes made into dip. We chose a couple of larges and hiked to the checkout booth.

Home made mayonnaise sounded like a good idea. We have a bevy of eggs, a Meyer lemon tree, and a lot of energy. Mayo is not too hard to make. I started out with just a whisk. Ms. Goofy volunteered the idea of using her fancy 'Kitchenaid' hand mixer. After a minute of whisking I jumped on her suggestion. The mayonnaise creation was a breeze. One mayonnaise got a teaspoon of chipotle en adobo. Home made chipotle en adobo of course.

Artichokes are a sign of the beginning of Spring. We are heading to Marin for Asparagus as soon as I get off this darn computer. Maybe we will run into the Crankmeister and his beautiful Wife, the 'Angry One!'


  1. I stopped at that Artichoke shaped restaurant in Castroville? is it? I tried as many different versions as my stomach would allow. Love em. Lucky you.

  2. We just got some fresh Asparagus from the farmers market. This is our favorite. We are making asparagus crab quiche. Lucky Us.

  3. Artichokes, asparagus and the new Berkeley bowl all get the Zoomie Station seal of approval. Spring! Bring it on!

  4. Dude, that dip and artichokes look so enticing. Haven't seen the fresh ones here yet, hopefully soon.

  5. I may have to get a few myself this weekend, but just for me. Zio won't eat them. Maybe if I grill them...

  6. I've always been scared of artichokes, seem like a lot of work, but this looks great.

  7. The Crankmeister was there a bit early, so sorry. I was in bed with the doggie and the crossword puzzle.

    I LARVE artichokes.
