A Journey in search of Meat Products. Fun and unusual ways of preparing Meat with a few Vegetables now and then.
Harry does not serve the Kobe brisket all the time. We called and arranged a time he would be serving this special beef. We wanted to compare and taste the Kobe side by side with some regular brisket. Kobe beef is graded above the 'Prime, Choice, Select" grades. Harry explained this beef was rated 'Kobe Supreme 10". This regular brisket was no chump. It had a pretty impressive pedigree itself of USDA Choice grade Black Angus. This will be a battle of two heavy hitters.
Both briskets were smoked for 15 hours, flavored and fueled by oak wood. They were both rubbed with a dry rub. Harry mentioned the Kobe was rubbed with a sweeter rub because it is a sweeter meat. They were both pulled out of the smoker and place on the cutting board. (Kobe is positioned on the left of the image.) You will notice the Wagyu does not have a distinctive flat and point shape of the regular brisket. Harry took a wickedly sharp knife and began to carve. Both of these brisket oozed with juices of flavor. I wanted to take a straw and suck the cutting board.
Now for the verdict. The Kobe was so very tender with a beef flavor that had a hint of sweetness. If you place a bite in your mouth and closed your eyes, the beefy rich flavor will take you on joy ride of meat pleasure. How did the regular brisket compare to the Kobe? This Black Angus was also on the tender juicy love train of beef flavor. It may have been a tad less tender and maybe not as sweet, but would be a stellar and superior meal on its own. I would like to give credit to Harry for smoking both these cuts of beef to maximize the flavor and bring out the tenderness. (Kobe on bottom)
Was the Kobe superior to the regular brisket? This would be a close call. The Kobe beef cost twice as much as the regular. The Kobe-style may have a subtle difference of sweetness and texture from the Black Angus. I am declaring a tie. The Kobe is something that I would recommend to experience. Harry has worked magic with both of these cuts of meat and I would recommend both. What a beefy day!
Combine first 5 ingredients in a bowl. Take a won-ton wrapper and place in your hand. Dip a finger in beaten egg and run your finger around perimeter of wrapper. Place 1 tablespoon of filling in center of wrapper. Fold wrapper in half and press edges. Heat some oil to 375 degrees. Fry until golden brown. (Aprox 3 minutes).
Willie Birds is a unique restaurant that showcases turkey. We enjoyed our experience and indulged in some very comforting food. I might suggest to stay away from the Turkey Bacon but would highly recommend anything else. We plan to return soon, but for now, we are in training on the couch.
1150 Santa Rosa Ave
Santa Rosa, CA
It was warm and muggy in the cooking arena. Smoke filled the air with sweet barbeque aroma. The black iron were lined up to feed the hungry mass of cooks. Some competitors had been up all night cooking and needed a rest.
The instructions for the PizzaQue are simple. Light a fire, let the stone heat and then cook. That is what we did. I used a chimney full of briquet's. The thermometer registered 600 degrees. I am a little skeptical on this reading. We cooked our pizza for about 10 minutes. It looked oh so very good. It even tasted better than it looked. Now the reason I am skeptical on the temperature reading is because the crust bottom never crisped up as it should. It was cooked, but not to the degree our wood burning oven could achieve.