"Laissez les bons temps rouler." Tonight on stage is a Cajun delight with a Zydeco twist. We are going to dance to a bacon from Willow Glen Meats & Smokehouse located in San Jose California. This bacon should get your toes tapping and your body swaying. Let the good times roll.

This slab has a dark brownish red shade of seasoning and smoke blanketing the outer surface. The rind has been removed for easy slicing. Once the slab has been sliced, the meat to fat ratio is revealed. This is one meaty slab of pork belly. The bacon was sizzling away in our trusty black iron pan when it was noticed that the slices started to brown too quickly. This was because of the high sugar content. We lowered the heat and crisped up these rashers properly.
We put on some Zydeco music and let the bacon dance on the floor of our tastebuds. The balance of sugar and salt was excellent. The flavor of pork shined through with a little taste of spice. This spice had a faint but noticeable warming sensation. My guess would be paprika. The smoke and paprika were subtle and welcome combination. All of the components, sugar, salt, paprika, smoke, meat/fat added up to one delicious Cajun Bacon. Willow Glens Cajun Bacon will receive 4 stars out 5.
Rating; 4 stars out of 5
Price: 4.89/pound
Where: Willow Glen Meats & Smokehouse
885 Delmas Av. San Jose, Ca. 95215 (408) 279-4009
Let the good bacon times roll!
Love the Zydeco clip! One of my favorite musics - and one of my favorite bacons, now! Thanks again.
I gotta try this stuff! One good turn deserves another --- if you're looking for good azndouille, check out Nodine's smokehouse
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