If bacon grew on trees, is when pigs will fly. When we are not on Meat Adventures or cooking on one of our barbeque's we are usually puttering around the garden. Growing fresh vegetables and flowers can be relaxing and rewarding. Picking a fresh tomato and combining it with some home grown peppers is one of the highlights of summer. A lot of our tomato's and peppers are purchased as small plants from various nurseries. To find and grow more exotic and unusual varieties of plants, seeds will have to be used. It is very satisfying to take a tiny seed and witness its birth and growth to fruition.

The Bay Area has several wonderful resources to obtain seeds for free. Our local public library, has a seed lending library. The Richmond Public Library will lend you seeds for free. They only ask that you return some seeds at a later date. This will promote seed saving and make the program self-sustaining. The first step is to sign up and attend an orientation meeting. You will then be on your way to growing that special bacon tree. B.A.S.I.L. is another Bay Area organization dedicated to seed saving. I think this is a great idea and will be supporting both organizations. Let's get growing!
I never knew about the seed borrowing program at the library, nor the BASIL folks! Interesting ideas! Happy planting!
Cool idea. If only bacon grew in the garden....sigh.
Too damn nice.
I saved some delicata squash seeds from last summer; Cranky threw them away.
I love the idea of a seed library! I'm going to have to check around town and see if there's one here too...
Money doesn't grow on trees either...at least that's what my father said 1,000 times to me as a kid. He never mentioned the bacon though and mom always said he brought it home.
this guy planted bacon seeds! http://youtu.be/nff8MNVm6UU
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