'Jumpin Jehosophat', Jason, from the Hot Sauce Planet has sent me a bottle of "Pappy's XXX White Lightnin" barbeque sauce. This sauce proclaims that it is 'All the Love You'll Ever Need'. We shall soon see about that. I like this sauce right off the bat even before tasting it. One of the ingredients is Bourbon. Yes, that is right we have an adult barbeque sauce that also give us a matter of fact nutritional statement; "If you are truly concerned about it maybe you should be eating tofu'. I am sold but we will give it a taste test for giggles.
This barbeque sauce has a barrel full of the usual suspects of ingredients. Kentucky bourbon is listed as being less than 3 percent of the volume. The heat is fueled by habanero powder. Seeds are present in a fairly course brick red easy pouring sauce. The first smell is of smoke.(hickory listed) and finishes as a sweet smelling tomato mixture.
The taste is smoky sweet. There is a nice little after burn that will embrace your taste sensors. This sauce leans to the sweet side but is a good mix of smoke, heat and sweet. Now, I have a personnel history of bourbon consumption but I did not taste this Kentucky staple. The real test will be on some food.

Our local fast food burger emporium has been hawking barbequed ribs. In the name of research we decided to give them a try. Wow!, was that a mistake. These ribs were expensive, salt bombs on a stick. Even Pappy's could not rescue this fiasco. The sauce did prove to be delicious as a dipping sauce for the onion rings. The sweet with the warming effect of the habanero made our onion rings fit for a Burger King. We shall give Pappys another try on some meat barbequed at our home.

Hot Sauce Planet
Any sauce with that tofu comment on the label is alright in my book!
I bought a case of Abe's when I was in Miss. that I'm still plowing through.
Dipping sauce for onion rings, huh? Never would have thought of that! I might go to Baron's tomorrow - can I bring you anything?
Greg, tofu is just wrong!
Zoomie, bring me back some pictures and a good story. Try the Cowboy steak.
I always wondered how to spell Jehosophat! ;-)
We can buy white lightnin' here in East TN but it comes in mason jars;)
highlandsranchfoodie, I have to admit, I looked it up.
Chris, Are we talkin about the same white ligtnin? Moonshine?
I'm so glad you decided to try it with something you cooked yourself! Sounds worthwhile.
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