"Turkey always and turkey all ways!"
Why do we only enjoy Turkey one day a year? There is nothing better than a hot turkey sandwich smothered in gravy served with a side of stuffing. If you live in Santa Rosa California you will be located near a wonderful restaurant that serves turkey dishes all year long. Willie Bird restaurant showcases the Willie Bird turkey in numerous dishes. The Willie Bird is a fresh free range turkey that has a phenomenal taste and texture.

Willie Birds is a unique restaurant that showcases turkey. We enjoyed our experience and indulged in some very comforting food. I might suggest to stay away from the Turkey Bacon but would highly recommend anything else. We plan to return soon, but for now, we are in training on the couch.
1150 Santa Rosa Ave
Santa Rosa, CA
Who woulda thunk it? Kind of fun! I do roast a turkey two or three times per year. It's inexpensive and tasty - what's not to like?
I'm despondent that they have no smoked turkey on the menu. Otherwise looks like a sterling establishment.
I love that kind of place, though I admit I only enjoy turkey no times a year. (Hah!)
(I did make my own turkey gravy last November, from "parts.")
Zoomie, Willie Birds is right down the street from the Santa Rosa Farmers market.
Zis, The bacon has smoke flavoring added, but, I would not reccomend it.
Cookiecrumb, You do not like turkey? Well I do not like brussel sprouts.
I'll eat turkey, but it's just a holiday sentiment, not a taste sensation.
Can't wait to hear about your plate lunch place!
Isn't that the place that was on one of the food shows, like DDD? The place looks like a fun restaurant to visit.
And I agree with you on the turkey being year round, I just grilled a turkey breast this week.
Chris, It was on DDD. Guy also has his restaurant in Santa Rosa. We drove by and it was boarded.
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