Oscar our 'Golden Retriever Lap' dog and part time vegetable guard tried his best to stay awake while watching over our first shipment of fruits and vegetables. He did his best and his snoring probably scared away any vegetable bandits. We have jumped on the organic home fruit and vegetable home delivery wagon. We have elected to receive a shipment once a month. This shipment will contain all organic fruits and veggies grown from the Capay farm located in northern California. This Community Supported Agriculture company is called 'Farm Fresh to You".
This box of produce was packed with a cornucopia of different colored produce. Plums, Cantelope, Avocado, basil, grapes, tomato's, zucchini, cucumber and carrots was the bounty arranged in our box. We are looking forward to creating different ways to incorporate meat into our treasure chest of fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

I have thought about CSA's but was afraid I would not be able to use up all the procduce
Greg, This company gives you a lot of alternatives. We ordered a small box once a month.We have allready used up our first delivery.
Local avocados? OMG.
Cookiecrumb, I have been trying for years to grow an avocado tree.More than once I have lost them to a freeze.In my youth so very long time ago, I rented a house in 'Baja Piedmnont Ca.'. It had a Haas avacado tree and We were in an guacomle haze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmmmmm... fresh avocados. I grew up across the street from an avocado farm. Brings back a lot of happy memories.
A cornucopia! Looks amazing!
Hi Chile- my better half shoul love this, I'll throw it her way. BTW I picked up the WSM, it looks pretty badass
Hi Zoomie and Zia, It is not very often somebody gets two "Z" commentors. Ms. Goofy's maiden name was Zink.
Rene, Congrats! You will be very happy with your WSM.
Me and Oscar are giving you the same face.
xo, Biggles
Give that sweet dog a cookie from the President!
Oscar rocks! Thank goodness that wasn't a meat delivery or you would have had an empty box.
I skipped the CSA this year because I couldn't find a 1/2 share deal that I liked. But we do shop the farmers market almost every Saturday.
That's a little disappointing. Cranky had a successful avo tree in Mountain View (way down there in Santa Clara County). I was wondering if the heavenly weather of Terra Linda might accommodate.
I might still try. I ain't that old yet.
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