Sunday, April 3, 2011


It was a beautiful spring day and we decided to embark on a Meat Adventure to Sonoma County. We were going to visit our good friend Angelo at ‘Angelo’s Smokehouse’. We gave Angelo a heads up that we were on our way. We made the hour long journey in record breaking time with Ms. Goofy’ driving behind the wheel of her ‘Formula One Racing Honda”. We pulled into the driveway and we could see Angelo in the window of his small commercial kitchen that is attached to the meat market. Angelo had a big smile on his face. We went in and exchanged greetings and hand shakes. The first thing we noticed was the huge skillet on the stove that had sizzling sausage patties cooking away. Immediately the saliva glands went into overdrive. We also notice a large sheet of focaccia bread on the counter. Angelo took a knife and cut into the bread and steam followed his knife strokes. He offered us some of his freshly baked and fried treats.

I have been known to bake a pretty decent focaccia but we have never tried a focaccia that tasted this delicious. The exterior was a little salty and chewy. Once you bit into the center you were greeted with the most light and fluffy interior. It was buttery rich with olive oil flavor. The sausage was a breakfast blend and it was dripping with pork flavor love. Angelo in his heavily Italian accented English would say; “This sausage is so good you will be ridden with guilt and have to go to confession.” We would agree. A bite of sausage followed with a bite of focaccia would bring an instant smile to our face. I was smiling at Ms. Goofy. Ms. Goofy had a Cheshire grin on her face. Angelo was smiling because we were smiling. The warmth in that room probably contributed to global warming.

We purchase multiple meat products from Angelo. Angelo has some of the best bacon in Sonoma County. His beef jerky is award winning. Some jerky in the smoker is pictured. Angelo gave us a generous hunk of his tasty focaccia for sandwiches later. Breakfast with Angelo was a treat. We have some still warm focaccia perfuming our car for the rest of our journey. We are still smiling.

Angelo's Smokehouse


  1. "The warmth in that room probably contributed to global warming." Love that description! Good one!

  2. Zoomie, Best breakfast ever.

    cookiecrumb, Angelo is a hoot. You should go visit him. It is only 1/2 an hour from your place.

  3. Looks like you scored big time.

  4. Greg, Oh Yeah!! You are not very far asway too.

  5. We always look forward to a visit with Angelo. He will always have a story to tell. When you purchase some meat, he will give you explicit cooking instructions. beef jerky australia
