Monday, May 16, 2011


A local entrepreneur Burt Amaral has taken his Portuguese Grandmothers secret meat marinade recipe and bottled it for you and me. It is an all purpose marinade and can be used for chicken, pork, beef and fish. This meat marinade is all natural and boasts;
• No msg
• No sugar
• No carbs
• No preservatives
• No oils or fats

The million dollar question is will something that is so healthy taste good? We soon shall see. Today’s menu will consist of some chicken thighs and pork shoulder steaks that have been marinated in Five Star Meat Marinade for 24 hours and grilled. Today’s grill will also include some asparagus and artichokes. The artichokes were parboiled in salted and lemon infused water. They were then sliced in half and marinated in garlic, olive oil and a splash of balsamic vinegar.

  A smoking hot mesquite fire was our fuel to flavor and cook our proteins. The grill grate was given a healthy swab of oil to make sure nothing would stick and produce grill marks. This cook was fast and furious. Smoke was bellowing and sparks were flying while our dinner was grilling. The end result was one good looking platter of grilled meat and vegetables.

This was one tasty meal. I am going to refer you to Peppers and More for the results and the complete review.(Complete Review Here) Burt Amaral has his Five Star Marinade available by mail order. If you are located in the East Bay, Encinal Market in Alameda carries it.

Five Star Meat Marinde


  1. Thank you for your review! Anyone interested in purchasing my marinade can order from me directly at or at the following locations:

    San Leandro -
    Porter's Market
    Bara's Market
    Castro Valley -
    Al's Market
    Alameda -
    Encinal Market
    Chestnut Encinal Market
    Alamo -
    Lawrence's Custom Meats

    Burt Amaral

  2. Sounds tasty. And Porter's is much closer to me than Encinal Market. In fact I will be driving past there today. Hmmm....

  3. Sounds good!
    My brother went to Encinal High School in Alameda. I don't think it did him any good.

  4. Sounds wonderful! I'm sad, because this doesn't appear to be sold in Dallas.

  5. Burt, Good luck with your product. We enjoyed it.

    Kailyn, I think Borris will love the leftovers.

    cookiecrumb, I thought you could not leave Marin. I remember Encinal having a reputation as a party school a long, long time ago.

    Zia, You are going to have to break out the plastic and buy some from Burts website or you can wait till your birthday and I will send you a bottle?

  6. I am not a native Marinian. I was born in Oakland.

  7. You know, my birthday is a long way off (and I try not to think about it). Gonna have to go plastic!

  8. Sweet! I know the term "mixed grill" does not get used much around here.By my definition you are the master of mixed grill.

  9. Greg, Thanks! Grilling vegetables brings out the sweetness for sure. Might as well use up that grill space.
