Thursday, May 19, 2011


How ever you say it, it is time to get some ‘Gosh Darn Golly Wompers’ tomato plants in the ground. Mother Nature has been throwing us curveballs with her rain delays. We have made it to the fifth inning (month) and is time to play ball. A strange long trip to Bezerkley, to visit my favorite two nurseries for unique and fun tomato plants was in order.
  Last year, the ‘Julia Child’ tomato plant was purchased and transformed into a beautiful pink Brandywine type of tomato that we want to grow again. We arrived at the first nursery (which will remain nameless) and it was closed. Closed on Thursdays? No problem we will just go to the next garden of our tomato delights. I was shocked and greeted with the same sign ‘Closed on Thursday’s’. Only in Berkeley are gardening establishments closed in the middle of the week. Conspiracy? A large retail box store was settled for to purchase one ‘Brandywine’ tomato and a half dozen jalapeno plants.

I am going to share my ultra secret growing tip for beautiful and tasty tomatos. A green thumb with a special fertilizer will help. ‘Gardens Alive’ sells a special mixed blend of organic material, minerals and special guano from a rare lisping ‘Quichomo Islands’ bat. Follow the directions and reap the awards for delicious tomatoes.


  1. You were the guy who encouraged me to just get it going with a bag of bullshit. I bought chickenshit instead, and it worked so well, I feel like a gardener. Thanks, meat boy.
    Boy, sure has been a late start. Mine are going in tomorrow.

  2. And here I thought it was 'way too late to buy tomatoes and expect a crop this year! I'm thinking green bean seeds, myself.

  3. cookiecrumb, You are my hero

    Zoomie, Oh contraire, It is the perfect time to buy and plant. In the Bay Area, plant too early and your tomatos will only stunt. At the end of August I will have a bumper crop. Idealy I would of planted a couple of weeks earlier but Mother Nature has been angry.

  4. This weekend we got to do the same thing. Darn near June. What happened to the weather?

  5. Greg, Just got back from Bezerkley with fun and unique tomatos. I also got a Portuguese heirloom tomato from Tito our local barber. These seeds have been saved from many generations back. I cannot wait to have a BLT.
