Sunday, May 29, 2011


Mother Nature smiled on the Pros & Joes Grilldown event this Saturday. She held back on the thunder and downpour of rain until after this barbeque meat extravaganza. The skies were overcast but that did not dissuade 1,300 hungry and thirsty Redding residents from attending. This was a contest that pitted professional cookers versus the backyard grilling enthusiasts. Boy was there enthusiasm among the ranks of cookers.

The crowd was treated to many different grilled and smoked food items. The hungry public traveled booth to booth sampling foods from whole cooked Hog to jalapeno poppers. Once they have had there fill, they voted on the ’Peoples Choice award.’ Ribs, chicken and tri-tip was the meat prepared for the judges. Our judging duty was very difficult to pick out the best out of so many tasty entries.

“The Billys” band provided music to create a festive atmosphere.There was a lot of full and happy people. The results were tallied and the winners were declared.

Grand Champion

Pros    --------------- D&D BBQ
Joes    ----------------Grill Billies
Peoples Choice ------ Dills

I need this option on my rig!

This is a fun local event. Ms. Goofy’s sister Shastina judged for the second time.and now has the BBQ bug. I am sure she will become a certified KCBS judge in the near future. Speaking of certifiable, My Bro-In-Law John is considering letting me drive his Harley around the Shasta Dam. Today might be the day.

The End


  1. I'd love a taste from each of the three winners to see what the differences were. Can you comment?

  2. Zoomie, You would not taste much if any difference from the Pro or the Joe. They are just two different categories. The Pros have commercial credentials. The Joes are like myself, barbeque enthusiast that have Mojo. They did cook three meats; chicken, pork ribs and tri-tip.
    The third winner is the Peoples Choice and that is basically a popularity contest that is determined by the public. Both Pros & Joes compete by serving all sorts of food items cooked on the barbeque. The public votes by buying the barbeque items.
    I hope that helps. Have a good Memorial Day.

  3. I like all the action shots!

    I misunderstood this weekend, I thought it was pros versus the joes.

  4. Looks like they have one of each barbecue ever made!

  5. Chris, It was one fun festival. I think everybody won.

    Greg, I love seeing a new and original cooker.
