Sunday, June 19, 2011


Landscaper, urban farmer, Cassie and Scott are two city dwellers raising chickens, rabbits, ducks and turkeys on a wonderful urban farm. Their farm is located on a hillside tract near the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. The hillside has been carved into beautifully planted terraces. Every plant you could ever imagine is growing somewhere. Vegetables and flowers organically grown and fertilized from the manure produced by their animals make for healthy and vibrant flora. I was lucky enough to pay them a visit and see their urban farm.

Cassie is a vibrant, spunky fireball of energy. She needs to be to feed her brood of animals. Scott is laid back and likes to barbeque. We bonded instantly. We walked around the garden and I was amazed at the sheer number of different plants. You had to be careful because chickens were running around freely. There was also this large tom turkey that was kind of curious and kept his eye on me. This turkey would actually come when called. Could you imagine taking your turkey on a walk?

My original purpose of this visit was to purchase some eggs and manure. They had multi colored chicken eggs and some rather large duck eggs. Some of these eggs are fertile and will incubate and hatch. Cassie is holding some baby turkeys in the image. I loaded up the truck with eggs, manure and a couple of plants. Cassie could not talk me into taking home a rabbit. What would Ms. Goofy say if that had happened?

It was a wonderful visit to an urban farm. Cassie and Scott have created a beautiful garden oasis on a once neglected slope. You can read about their adventures on her website Garden Girl Farm. If you are in the East Bay you can purchase food and animals by giving them a call. I am going to cooks some eggs.

Garden Girl Farm


  1. I need eggs this week so I'll go over and maybe I'll get the farm tour, too, this time. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Beyond awesome! I lack a farming gene. Those two have surely got it.

  3. That is really cool! That old turkey worried he would end up on your grill.

  4. Zoomie, Cora might wants a bunny as a buddy. If it does not work out you can always eat it.

    cookiecurmb, I know you got some farm skills. Look at all the suff you grow and harvest.

    Greg, That turkey could end up on my grill but somebody else would have to dispatch, and prepare. I like to go to butchers where those items have been taken care of if you know what I mean.

  5. The turkey comes when he's called? That makes me doubt he'll ever get eaten.

    Tho' that would make it easier to whack his ass if you don't have to chase him around the yard.....

  6. Greg, When and if I ever get a turkey I will call you for whacking duties.

  7. What a fabulous place. I'd love to visit. I just saw baby turkey this morning. In the middle of the Denver Tech Center. 9 of them, Wild Turkey with mom. Good Grief what an oddity.
