Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Where has all the yellow corn gone? Some ‘Japanese Mirai’ yellow corn is being grown in the Mad Meat Genius vegetable patch. This is a yellow hybrid corn that was bred for sweetness. These seeds were purchased from the ‘Kitazawa’ company which specializes in Asian vegetable seeds. We have been searching farmers markets and stores for yellow corn with disappointing results. White is the new black and we wanted yellow. Instead of crying in our creamed corn we planted a couple of rows of ‘Mirai’ corn. We staggered our planting to have ripe corn for the next month. This beautiful ear is our first corn of the season. It was very sweet and milky. A raw taste bite sprayed out with some corny juicy flavorful sweet milk. We only had one ripe ear today, so we made some bread that would incorporate the corn. This corny bread would be a vehicle to hold some home grown tomato’s and ‘Fifth Quarter’ bacon.

The bread today was from a recipe that uses fresh corn and corn flour. It is light and sweet bread. The aroma of fresh bread baking and bacon sizzling was the key to our spiritual enlightenment. These simple ingredients are being transformed to life giving substance. This is so much more than just a sandwich. I think I am floating right now. Back to the kitchen to dollop mayonnaise on our sandwich creation will be in order to bring me back to earth. This bread studded with Japanese corn was a beautiful thing.


  1. Home grown corn...that's nice! It has been cool here and our tomatoes are lagging.

  2. Greg, It will be a late season harverst for us but for the next month or so we could live off the land. Unfortanetly my bacon tree is not doing so well.

  3. O my, yumm. I want some of that. Will buy corn at the farmer's market tomorrow and hope it makes as good bread as that.

  4. The corn looks good. Nice color. And the bread! It's "bread-shaped." Beautiful job.
    Is that baking dish pre-war? Looks really old.

  5. Yes, old but special just like me. I have a bunch. Glass ware for bread is great.

  6. The corn looks great the bread looks even better!

  7. Sounds like a fantastic BLT. I need to try the corn bread (not cornbread) it sounds great.

  8. foodfire, Thanks, we should have a lot more corn the next couple of weeks.

    Chris, Yes, this bread is a lot lighter than traditional corn bread.

  9. That's a badass baking dish! I made my first banana bread last night, does that count for something?

    xo, Biggles
