Thursday, September 15, 2011


I have been on a short sabbatical from the salt mine. Besides growing a beard, I have not been just smoking cigars and watching Captain Kangaroo. I have been doing exhaustive research for you, the Mad Meat Genius readers. Today brings us to the city for chicken fried bacon at the “Buckshot”. The Buckshot is a local watering hole that occupies the former digs of “Pat O’Shea’s Mad Hatter. Their infamous moniker was “We cheat tourists and drunks’. I bellied up to the bar and ordered a cold one and some chicken fried bacon.

It tastes just like you would imagine: salty, a little chewy and oh so greasy good. The first one dipped in a combo of ketchup & mustard and then drizzled with maple syrup was pure heaven. The second piece was a little decadent. The sweet maple syrup enticed me to finish off this plate of breaded swine. After this act of gluttony I was destined to the couch to see if the Captain had been ping pong ball dropped by falling for Mr. Moose’s ‘Knock, Knock’ jokes once again.



  1. Zoomie, Oh my bacon.
    Knock knock!
    Who's there?
    Little old lady?
    Little old lady who?
    Wow! I didn't know you could yodel!

  2. What a great invention! I think I like chicken-fried anything. Chicken-fried gummy bears, like that.

  3. Knock knock!
    Who's there?
    Isabel who?
    Isabel necessary on a bicycle.

  4. Knock knock!
    Who's there?
    Chicken-fried Budweiser.

  5. Chicken fried bacon!! Man you are deep uncover in the bacon wars.

  6. Little Known Fact: Captain Kangaroo wasn't actually a Captain....what a fraud. ;)
