Sunday, December 4, 2011


We do not always eat meat. Vegetables and pasta sometimes make it to our plate. Today's meal of rib eye steaks included some home made pasta and mushrooms. We had a secret ingredient to add to our mushrooms. A visit to Cassie at Garden Girl Farms produced a few dozen eggs that will be perfect for fresh pasta. As I was leaving Cassie gifted me a jar of chicken stock. This liquid gold was made from some roosters that had been simmering in a pot for the last three days. It was a beautiful hue of gold. It was thick, rich and smelled heavenly.

Garlic, wine, salt and pepper was added to this pan of simmering mushrooms. A few tablespoons of this liquid gold put this fungus over the top delicious. I wish I had the time to simmer stock for three days because this is a special ingredient. Just a few tablespoons was all we needed. This is some concentrated magic. Thanks Cassie.


  1. Wow, that looks amazing! Cassie has all kinds of wonders up her sleeves.

  2. What a treat! Drool. Itty bitty cute muzhrooms!

    Cranky told you we're going to experiment with a vegan diet for a week? Ha. Probably in January, there's too much animal products in the house right now.

  3. Zoomie, Cassie has a lot of energy. Best eggs ever!!!!

    cookiecrumb, Cranky told me you have tater tots in the refer.

  4. cookiecrumb, Rob told me about the prime rib he bought too. He said he had to cash a retirement check to pay for it. What time should we be over. You can be a vegan while Ms. Goofy, Cranky and I splurge. Oh Yeah!

  5. Deep dark chicken stock...yum. You got your Christmas present early.
