Thursday, March 29, 2012


Have you ever had freshly roasted peanuts? They are a treat. Roasting nuts creates a more intense, warm nutty flavor. Browsing the Richmond Farmers Market we found some raw peanuts. These peanuts were fresh and a little damp. The farmer suggested letting the peanuts air dry for several days before roasting. We purchased a pound for two dollars and set them out on a newspaper to dry. Several days later the dampness was gone and it was time to roast. The nuts still in their shell were place on a baking sheet. They were placed in a 350 degree oven for approximately 20 minutes. The last 5 minutes you need to check your nuts to avoid over roasting. Sprinkle with salt while still hot. These peanuts were addicting. Give me a cold one and 'Take me out to the Ballgame"


  1. You're right, there's nothing quite so lovely as a freshly-roasted peanut. My sister was married to a peanut farmer and he frequently sent raw peanuts to us to roast a bowl at a time. Yum!

  2. Oh, I wanna try that! I would brine the nuts in shell first. I'm on the lookout for raw peanuts in diverse Marin.

  3. Zoomie, I am going to pick up some more on another Friday. Maybe we can meet at the market.

    cookiecrumb, I will get you raw peanuts. I am very curious about brining. I assume that is to add salt? Do you air dry them after brining? The vender said if you roast them while the shell is damp the nut will steam and not be crunchy. Drop me a line and let me in on your methods.

  4. That sounds splendid. Add cold beer for perfection.

  5. To tell the truth, I'm making this up. But when you buy roasted peanuts, salted in the shell, I figure brining is the only way they got salted. Even the shells taste salty.
    So, yeah, you'd have to dry them without steaming them... Could be a disaster. Or I could google it.

  6. Greg, Beer is a food group.

    cookiecrumb, I had the same idea about brining. Will have to experiment.

  7. I've never had them fresh roasted but that is only because when I get my hands on green peanuts, I boil them.
