Sunday, June 24, 2012


Grilled meatloaf is comfort food at the Chilebrown household. It is simple and easy to make. Cooking it in the Weber gives it a small kiss of smoke that puts this loaf over the top delicious. We cover this meat log with a weave of bacon. This is the only time we ever use mass produced store bought bacon. The bacon is mainly for decoration and to seal in all the meatloaf juices. The bacon covered meat loaf is cooked in our trusty black iron skillet. As Dr. Biggles recommends: Do not forget to use a trivet. The trivet allows the bacon and meat fat to drain away from our loaf.

Our meat loaf recipe varies from time to time. It all depends on what is available and if we have a specialty theme. Today's meat loaf was made from ground beef procured from U.C. Davis meat labs. This is some quality beef. It was about 1 1/2 pounds of 80 percent lean beef. Grated carrot, chopped garlic and red onion, finely chopped mushrooms, 3/4 cup of bread crumbs soaked in milk, and salt & pepper were the ingredients today. The ingredients were shaped into a small football shape and covered with our bacon weave. One hour of cooking time in a covered grill and it was time to eat.

One of the best things about meatloaf is the sandwiches the next day. This is comfort food that we love. I think I am going to have a sandwich.


  1. Oh, big wow! That looks amazing and I'll bet it tastes wonderful, too. Must try this summer.

  2. Wow, wow wow, and double wow. It's not even 11am and I'm powerful type hungry. Am tending to the garden at the moment, mebbe some food action in a bit? xo, Biggles

  3. Meathenge, I have a small present for you, too. You available for coffee any time soon?

  4. Zoomie, We cook this year round. Our grill gets no rest.

    meathenge, You may be gone but your wisdom remains.

  5. Meatloaf with a bacon halo! Sure is pretty.

  6. Greg, Pretty enough to eat. The bacon weave is very simple to make. I even can do it. I did the weave on wax paper for easy removal.

  7. Brings a tear to my eye that look so bleeping good. Post tweeted.

  8. that bacon grid really elevates the meatloaf, and I'm kind of obsessing about that grilled sammie
