Sunday, July 1, 2012


Mother Nature smiled on the first “Silicon Valley BBQ Championships”. The beautiful weather brought out a huge crowd to celebrate and sample championship barbeque. Ms. Goofy and I had judging duties to perform today. We always like to arrive several minutes early to look at all the different cookers. This serves several purposes. One is to gain knowledge of what the competitors are using to cook. Observing and capturing the images may give Ms. Goofy ideas to stock the Christmas stockings. (Hey, I can dream.) Most important, it is what we do and how we roll.

Peoples Choice is an opportunity for the public to purchase and taste award winning BBQ. The lines were long today. The Santa Clara police made their presence known with this custom car. They were not needed because this crowd’s only crime was the barbeque sauce on their smiling faces.

It seemed like the cookers came in sets of three today. It is amazing that a competitor can cook competition meat in a custom 50 gallon barrel. Another set of three Orion cookers caught my eye. This is the first time I have seen these units in competition.

First Place Chicken
"Cecil's Smokin BBQ
The Rotary Club should be proud of this event. It was a smashing success. Congratulations to Woodhouse Barbeque for winning the Grand Champion. I believe we were all winners today.


  1. Looks like an ideal day. I'm a little jealous.

  2. Oh, you gotta get one of those Green Eggs. (But be careful. My dad broke one.)

  3. Zoomie, Next weekend is your chance to experience a BBQ event. The Oakland Coliseum will be your destination.

    cookiecrumb, Your Dad was wise and wonderful with a green egg. Ms. Goofy's Mom had a porcelain cooker that I blew up (not) on purpose.

  4. Every time I read one of your BBQ competition blogs I am truly amazed at the money people spend on their rigs. As far as the Christmas list let's channel Green Egg for you!

  5. Greg, Hopefully you can come by the Oakland Coliseum this Saturday and see us in action.
