Thursday, September 6, 2012


The vampires have been scarce since our visit to the farmers market in Lakeport, California. We met Sky Hoyt a specialty grower whose tag line is; “Food with Outstanding Flavor and Rare Fig Plants”. This farmer also grows several varieties of garlic. Today he had two different garlic’s displayed. ‘Red Hot’ and ‘California Early’ We picked up a pound of both. We have garlic tasting ahead.

We peeled both varieties and tasted them naked.(The garlic). The Red Hot had an attractive red striped outer dried skin. A little sliver was consumed and a little kick in the palate happened.. This jolt was similar to a black pepper bite. Next up the California Early. When the pure white dried skin was peeled away we noticed how juicy this garlic was. Sweet garlic juice covered our hands. Yes it was a little sweet and with a very pleasant garlic flavor. We chopped both. The Red Hot went into some marinated mushrooms and the California Early into some sautéed home grown green beans. Both dishes turned out garlicky delicious. No Vampires were harmed during this post.

Sky Hoyt


  1. Vampires be gone! I do love the garlic.

  2. I'm starving for garlic now, whole cloves.
    Was the Red Hot garlic actually hot? Swoon.

  3. What fun to have a side-by-side tasting! And both dishes sound good, too.

  4. Greg, I love garlic bread dripping with garlic butter.

    cookiecrumb, It was so hot that you could of fried an egg on my tongue. That was a joke son.

    Zoomie, We enjoyed it. Fresh garlic from Lakeport, Ca. will beat garlic shipped from China anyday.

  5. I wouldn't blame the garlic, those Vampires probably just headed over to cheer on the Raiders. You'll see them in the stands.

    All ribbing aside, I'm so jealous of your opportunity for these flavored garlics. i've only seen plan ol' garlic here.

  6. I like when we can get any variety of fresh garlic at our market. Makes the stuff in grocery stores seem bland.

  7. Lea Ann, I am sure you can find some different fresh garlic in your neck of the woods. Just stay away from cheap priced garlic that comes pre-packaged in a white mesh tube. They are imported from China. Go Raiders!

    Chris, Amen Brother. I have grown different varieties too.
