Sunday, September 9, 2012


My favorite ‘Bro-In-Law’ John surfs and rides a Harley. We have been staying at a spectacular beach front house in Crescent City California with John and his beautiful wife Shastina for the last three days. We have been relaxing and eating a lot of clam chowder in this coastal town. John and I were about to embark on a Meat Adventure to nearby Oregon when Ms. Goofy informed us that we were going on a Cheese Adventure to the Rumiano Cheese Company. Cheese to Ms. Goofy is like bacon is to me, so we could not refuse her request. John and I would have to put our Meat Adventure on hold temporarily.

Rumiano Cheese Company has two locations at Willows or Crescent City California. They have been in business for over 90 years. Rumiano produces a huge and varied assortment of cheeses. They have an organic line and a ‘Non-GMO” (Genetically Modified Organisms) line of products. All the dairy products are free of artificial hormones. If any of there products are salted, sea salt is used. This company is committed to sustainable work practices. It all sounds good to me, so let’s go inside.

The building and facilities takes up an entire city block. In one corner is a small retail outlet. We walked through the door and Ms. Goofy started to swoon. Several large refrigerators lined the walls brimming with cheese products. There was a large picture window that allowed us to view the cheese factory. My favorite part was the sampling table. Dozen’s of cheese sample were displayed and offered for tasting. John and I conducted a tasting tour of our own.

So many choices of cheese made this excursion interesting. The one thing we noticed was how reasonably priced all these cheeses were. There was even a sale section of discounted cheeses. Six year aged cheddar at eight dollars a pound was a steal. Rumiano even sold butter at a fraction of the cost of a Supermarket. Ms. Goofy lined up a huge shopping cart full of products. I had to remind her that we only had one ice chest and needed room for the Meat Adventure to follow. We left Rumiano and returned to our beach side palace.

Ms. Goofy was so enamored with Rumiano we returned the next day for even more cheese purchases. I made a ham & turkey sandwich with the aged cheddar cheese. I slathered fresh butter on the bread to create a golden crust on this sandwich. This sandwich was gooey delicious. Rumiano Cheese Company was a good adventure. John and I did get to go on a Meat Adventure later. John, do you think I could ride your Harley Davidson?

Rumiano Cheese Company


  1. Only one cooler? I think you should have gone out and bought another cooler for your meat adventure. Ms. Goofy obviously needed a cooler of her own for all those delicious looking cheeses.

  2. That sandwich looks really really really looks good ChiliB. I want one now. I'm with Ms. Goofy. Love a good cheese adventure.

  3. Kailyn, I know we messed up. It worked out okay. We had to remove ice and beer. Priorities you know.

    Lea Ann, Cheese is good. The aged cheddar was the bomb. The butter put this sandwich over the top.

    cookiecrumb, If he ever say's Yes, I will ask Cranky for permission and take you on a wild ride.

  4. A meat and cheese adventures... a fine marriage!

  5. Greg, Just like our sandwich. Thanks
