Monday, December 10, 2012


“Fire in the Hole!” We have a wing sauce from ‘Buen Apetito; ‘Ancient Fire Wing Sauce”, that will satisfy any heat seeker with flavor and fire power. The hot sauce challenged need not proceed on this journey. This wing sauce is rocket fueled with habanero and cayenne peppers. The pepper heat is flavored with orange juice and orange peels. Habanero peppers do have a fruity taste and oranges will compliment this unique concoction.

It has been raining cats & dogs here in sunny California so we will be cooking our wings in the oven. The wings were separated and the tips removed. A dusting of salt & pepper will season.  Then place wings on a cookie rack on a foil lined baking sheet. To a 375 degree oven  for an hour and turning once should brown your wings nicely. Toss your hot and cooked wings in a sauce lined bowl. Serve immediately and wait for the fire alarm to go off.
  Buen Apetito once again has created a fun and tasty sauce for us heat seeking adventurers. The Orange flavor works with the habanero peppers to create a pepper lovers treat.  When you combine habanero and cayenne the heat meter will tip to 3.5 stars out of 5. My mouth is still on fire. It burns so good.

Buen Apetito
4 Chaplin Street
Waterville, Maine, 04901
(207) - 861 - 4649


  1. Now, that is a happy hurt for sure...

  2. At my age, I can't pump burn juice down my esophagus. Wish I could. Sounds nice.

  3. I'm wimpy when it comes to hot sauce. More of a Frank's fan.

  4. panthers76, It burns so good. Buen Apetito makes fun and tasty sauces.

    Kailyn, I know you like the hot stuff. Next time we get together I have some sauce for you.

    cookiecrumb, Believe it or not I like hot sauce for the flavor. I draw the line on extract sauces.

  5. Greg, There are a lot of sauces that are on the Franks level of heat but have far superior taste. Not all sauces have to be crazy hot.

  6. CB- I like Franks for wings. I have been trying different hot sauces.My favorite of the moment is Cholula. On the ship they had Trappey's which was really good.

  7. Foghorn Legghorn is appalled at your use of wings and he would kick your butt, except someone cut off his arms for hot wings :)
