Saturday, March 30, 2013


Memories of the church potlucks that I used to attend when I was a juvenile Chilebrown, dance through my memory banks while dining on Asparagus Hotdish. I remember tasting and loving numerous variations of tuna casserole. Today’s dish is simple and satisfying. The green spears of spring will be showcased in a hot tub of noodles and cream of mushroom soup. Believe it or not this dish will be bacon free. Put on your finest Easter bonnet and let’s make some casserole.

I will supply the basic guidelines of this dish because I basically made it up as I cooked.

1.    1 ½ pounds asparagus chopped
2.    1 small onion chopped
3.    1 pound spaghetti noodles cooked (I used spinach chow mein noodles
4.    1 cup cheese cubed ( I used a combination of cheddar, American, parmesan)
5.    1 can cream of mushroom soup thinned with ¼ cup milk
6.     Salt & pepper to taste.

Cook your onion in a skillet with a little olive oil until translucent. Add asparagus and season with salt & pepper. Cook for only one minute and add rest of ingredients. Place all in a oiled casserole pan. Bake for approx. 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

This dish was served with some home made sausage. Simple and satisfying. Next time I will have to add some bacon. Happy Easter!!!!!!


  1. Never been a fan of the casserole but this one seems fresh and yummy.

  2. Greg, Casseroles are a nostalgic treat for me. We do not make them very often.

  3. Cute as a button.
    You're a funny old lady!

  4. I'm with you Chilebrown. When I made ham two weekends ago, I was reminded of a rice casserole that my mom's best friend used to make for covered dish suppers some 40 years ago. Two phone calls later I had said recipe scribbled down from "Aunt" Myrna. LOVED it, the ham wouldn't have been the same without it.

    That said, this is a new one for me. My dad hated asparagus so I never had it until adulthood. Can't wait to try this casserole, I'll be nostalgic over it for the first time:)

  5. Thankyou cookiecrumb! That reminds me that I needed to ask you if there is any truth to the rumor? You and Zoomie have teamed up with your matching dual barbeques and entering BBQ contests. I have the perfect team name for you and I will share it the next time we meet at the Sunday market.

    Chris, How fun to re-create Aunt Myma's recipe.I am looking forward to ham sandwiches next week.

  6. Happy Easter, Kiddo. Hope the Easter bunny was kind to you and Ms Goofy. No barbecue competitions for me until I learn to use my fancy new rig. Right now, it has the upper hand.

  7. Zoomie, I would like to say practice makes perfect but you need to know your cooker. You Tube has a lot of tutorials that will help. Hang in there. Good Luck!

  8. Looking good Chilebrown. I will be trying that for sure. We just started getting fresh asparagus around here. We had our first of the season last night. Happy Easter!

  9. Three Dogs BBQ, We are looking forward to the Asparagus festival coming up at the end of the month. We want to watch Joey 'Jaws" Chestnut retain his 'World Wide Champion Asparagus Eater Champion'

  10. Oooh. This makes my kitchen seem so glamorous and kitsch at the same time. To see more info please visit
    PS - I still have not washed the dish.
