Tuesday, March 5, 2013


When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age
Of a Asparagus, the age of Asparagus
Asparagus, Asparagus

We have impatiently been waiting for the beginning of the Asparagus season. False rumors, broken promises. and erratic weather have delayed this vegetable from signaling the beginning of spring. This Sunday, rays of  sunshine parted the clouds and illuminated the blue and gold tent of Zuckerman farms. Hallelujah!!!!!!! We filled our market bag with these spears of spring.

This was our first taste of spring. A ciabatta roll from the unknown baker at 'Marin Farmers Market', breakfast sausage from Angelo, farm fresh egg from 'N.Y. Eggs'(Richmond Farmers Market), Zuckerman farms asparagus, bacon from 'Willow Glen Meats' was dressed with a slather of Lowensenf mustard. This was a Chilebrown breakfast roll that would fuel me to the next serving of Asparagus. The next two months we will enjoy asparagus to the fullest. I am HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is a beautiful sandwich! All food groups in one tasty package.

  2. Greg, It was scrumptillicious. Asparagus raviolis here we come.

  3. Mystic crystal revelation
    And the mind's true liberation...

    You are so cute!

  4. Oh, frabjous day! I will hit the Marin market tomorrow and hope Zuckerman is there!

  5. Cookiecrumb & Zoomie, Maybe you can meet at the market. Lucky Dog Hot Sauce will be there today. Tell him Chilebrown sent you.

  6. Sadly, I am about 45-50 days from picking asparagus fresh from our garden. I can't wait. I live it raw, right out of the garden. Nice and sugar sweet...

  7. I got the worst asparagus last week, half of the bundle was slimy tipped. I could barely get two servings out of it. Can't wait until the real fresh stuff gets here. We're a few weeks away still.

  8. LOL, love the song this is the dawning of the age of asparagus. Now I'll be singing that in my head all day today ....

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