Monday, March 18, 2013


 Antique stores can be a great resource for food related apparatus. Our local heirloom store of bygone antiquity had this treasure of a find. You know I have a weakness for bright shiny objects especially if they have some association with knives. The ‘Carve-ette’ beckoned my attention just as the puppy in the window. This implement is used to impale your protein while you carve slices. This is something I may have always needed. The price was right ($4.99) and I  probably will actually put it to use. We did some ‘World Wide Web’ research on our ‘Carve-ette and found an ad in the “Spokane Daily Chronicle”; Tuesday December 12, 1950. It was advertised as “Gifts of Silver” and listed at a hefty price of $2.95. I highly doubt that this is made of silver but probably of some nice, shiny stainless steel.

 Our initial use of our new/old ‘Carve-ette’ will be with a smoked corned beef. This briny hunk of smoky love was St. Patrick’s gift of meat from our trusty smoker. This beef was so tender it really did not need to be carved but the demonstration continues. The Carve-ette is heavy and fits well in my hand. It made the carving a breeze. It also added a coolness factor from the shiny polished professional look of our new tool. The Carve-ette was a true find. It will proudly have a place in the Chilebrown kitchen.


  1. And you got the BOX! So cool; I love it. I think it's silver.

  2. I love it! Can't think of a better home for it.

  3. cookiecrumb, The silver question needed further investigation. We used a magnet. The magnet stuck to the prongs but not handle. That leads me to believe that the handle is silver plated. Now I love it even more. Thanks.

    Greg, It will be put to good use. I want to cook something just so I can use my bright shiny Carve-ette.

  4. That looks downright dangerous... If it was all silver, I wonder if it would work on a vampire...

  5. I want that to use if the Walking Dead comes to pass. What a great weapon for "neutralizing zombies".

  6. Zoomie, Way Hot!

    Three Dogs BBQ, The only vampires in my house will have to deal with Count Chocula.

    Chris, Zombies, Walking Dead? How about a nice pork roast?

  7. Count Chocula... That brings back memories. Do you save the marshmallows for last?

  8. I actually was a big Captain Crunch Fan until my love affair with pop-tarts started.
