Saturday, April 13, 2013


Sometimes one forgets how wonderful a sirloin steak tastes. I almost automatically order a rib-eye. It is my go to favorite. We picked up this huge hunk of flavor at Freedom Meat Lockers on our latest 'Meat Adventure". Sirloin cuts need to be watched carefully on the grill. They need to be pulled at the proper temperature to insure tenderness. With a little attention you will be rewarded with steak perfection.


  1. Sirloin is an underrated cut of meat for sure. I like them, but you are right Chilebrown. Proper attention must be paid to the meat while on the grill...

  2. Three Dogs BBQ, There is a fine line between medium and shoe leather. We like ours leaning to the rare. Good stuff.

  3. I like mine rare please ;)Is tri-tip part of the sirloin?

  4. Greg, According to Savuer magazine; "Tri-Tip Sirloin Steak Tri-tip steaks come from a triangle-shaped muscle, known as the tri-tip, located in the bottom part of the sirloin section of the animal.". According to my knowledge; "They be tasty"

  5. That is a nice hunk o' sirloin. nice sear marks, too.
