Saturday, May 25, 2013


On the west coast Kansas City style barbeque sauce isthe prevalent condiment used. We taste traveled to the Carolinas for another flavor profile of barbeque sauce. Mustard bbq sauce is on the plate today for sampling and review. KLB's Barbecue sauce makes a "Southern Style Mustard Bar-B-Que Sauce". This was a fun and tasty journey. Come along and sample something fun and different.


  1. Dang, that stuff is yeller!
    Yeah, we don't encounter mustard BBQ sauce much here out west. Thanks for the eye opener. It sounds tasty.

  2. cookiecrumb, The mustard bbq sauce was something new for us. Did you try the pepper oil?

  3. I had a good idea for a drop of chili oil this morning, but it evaporated, and I forgot. I think it will get loads of use in droplets here and there, so thank you ever so for the donation.
    A drop in your cole slaw! See?

  4. Cookie and Chile, I had cole slaw this week that had chile something in it - a big surprise, and a good one! Who knew that cole slaw could be surprising?

  5. My favorite use of mustard sauce is on pulled pork and sliced turkey, because that is how I had it in Florida when I began rediscovering bbq.
