Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Today's hot sauce is a "True" everyday hot sauce boasts 'Jak Jeckel Gourmet Hot Sauce'. We ran it through the paces and you can see the results here.


  1. That sounds so nice. But the company only takes PayPal, and I hate PP. I won't shop any place that requires PayPal, so... Sorry. Nice write-up, though!

    I found a new hot sauce that blows my mind so hard, I'm not even going to tell you. I want to write about it myself. Then you'll know.

  2. cookiecrumb, I do not understand your dislike of PayPal. I guess you do not shop EBay or most World Wide Web stores. You could explain it to me at the market tomorrow. I need to replenish my supply of citron candy. Did cranky give you the sample? I am hooked.
