Monday, August 26, 2013


BBQ, Beer and Cars was another winning formula for the crowds in Lakeport California this weekend. This was the fith annual event at the Konicti Vista Indian casino. It is very popular with the local population. How can you miss with this winning formula? The weather was very pleasant with the sun shining bright to illuminate the classic cars displayed. One car the caught my attention was this Ford Fairlaine. Yours truly owned a '66 Ford Fairlane Convertible'. Back in the day my 'Freak Flag' wold fly.{David Crosby refers to long hair as a freak flag in his song Almost Cut My Hair. "I feel like letting my freak flag fly.}

Was it just me or did it seem that there were a lot of men wearing kilts. I actually thought they looked pretty darn 'kool for school' and asked Ms. Goofy if I could get one. She replied; "Who would wear the pants in the family?".

This was another great weekend.. Congratulations to our friends Bill & Yvonne Sousa of the competition BBQ team ' Big B's Down & Dirty' for winning the title Grand Champion. A special shoutout to the team 'Smoin Yankees'. They took first place in brisket with a perfect score. A perfect score is when the judges award all nines the highest score available. Now that was some good brisket. 


  1. You would look great in a kilt. Do you have Scottish ancestry?

  2. Zoomie, Boy, did you just throw me a softball. Why yes, there is that peaty old uncle Laphroaig, Angus Lagavulin that lives in the Islay region and my favorite cousin OBan who is rich and full-bodied with a mellow fruity finish.

  3. Those guys in the kilts must be from the MacBiker clan.
    Hey, do you know the Glenlivets?

  4. cookiecrumb, I have had Glenlivet running though my blood lines many a time.

  5. How about the Dalwhinnie clan? Fine upstanding Scots if you ask me...

  6. Three Dogs BBQ, The Dalwhinnie's are a mighty fine clan. I have drawn a wee dram or two with them.

  7. Greg, Just my Scottish ancestry with a little help from my friends.

  8. I don't have any Scottish ancestry, just a lot of Welsh. Can I still wear a kilt?

    On a serious note, after our first two contests, we are learning a lot about judging and Alexis is actually talking strategy for competing.

  9. Chris, Penderyn is a distant Welsh cousin.
    I really enjoyed your last post with all the great shots. Judging is a good foundation for competing. I can tell you have the fever.
