Friday, November 15, 2013


It was bound to happen. Bacon deodorant is a new item that has a welcome place in my arsenal of personnel hygiene items. Yes, it does smell like bacon. I would like to share what is said about the product with the accompanied literature.

"Using PowerBacon will probably make everyone drawn to you like you were the most powerful magnet on Earth And by everyone, we mean friends, acquaintances, beautiful strangers, dogs, bears, swamp alligators , lions and even pigs. Use your new power wisely because with great bacon power comes great baconsiblility."


  1. Hmmm, I can't think of anything witty to say. I am speechless...

  2. Zoomie and Three Dogs BBQ, I hope I do not attract any swamp alligators.

  3. I'm just going to bard myself with bacon.

    PS: That's bard the culinary term. Not to be confused with the Southern term bard. "I fixin to go over yonder to get my saw back from Bill who bard it two weeks ago and hadn't brought it back"
