Saturday, November 23, 2013


Ms. Goofy and I are both retired from our career jobs at the salt mines. We have plenty of free time for leisure activities and especially for 'Meat Adventures'. The Racing Honda has been screaming on all cylinders lately. Our latest adventure brought us to El Salchiero. This meat emporium has  wonderfully different flavored quality bacon. Our latest acquisition is a honey habanero bacon. This combination definitely caught my eye. On the way home, Ms. Goofy had her pedal to the metal, so we could taste our new bacon.

Our trusty black iron pan was emitting a sweet aroma of honey while these rashers cooked. These slices were very meaty. There was a huge sugar/honey content because the bacon began to color and caramelize immediately. We turned the heat to low to not scorch our prize. Bacon avocado sandwiches on a jalapeno cheese roll would be our tasting vehicle. This bacon was sourced by superior quality pigs demonstrated by the flavor of the meat. The meat had a slightly mild beefy type flavor. The habanoeo flavor was present and gave this bacon a very pleasant pepper bite. The sweetness tamed the flame to make this one of the most unique and flavorful bacon ever. What a treat. Till the next Meat Adventure.


  1. I noticed the color in the pan. Looks great. Alas, I can only look and not taste...

  2. Three Dogs BBQ, Some of the most unique and flavorful bacon ever. I wish it was summer and I had some ripe tomatoes.

  3. They had you in mind when they cured that bacon. Perfect!

  4. I am crushed. You no longer have any love for me? Bacon bitch I just delivered you Dakota sausage and Elk. Ok ok I must admit it is last years elk and you may feel a little unappreciated but that is beside the point. I thought about you in the wilderness and got you Dakota sausages. You can make it up to me by trading me five rashers of bacon for 4 elk steaks from last year or two steaks from this year. Let know GWH

  5. Zoomie, I agree. They saw me coming.

    greatwhitehunter, Did you really think about me in the wilderness? I will bring you bacon only because you are The Great White Hunter.
