Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I am not to familiar with this root vegetable but it is sure a lot of fun to say; RUTABAGA.

Merry Christmas to all you "Mad Meat Genius' readers. May a Big Green Egg be under your tree this year. I have my fingers crossed.


  1. Rutabaga was the most dreaded vegetable of my childhood - eek! I tried it again not too long ago and it's not as vile as I remembered, but I haven't tried it again since. :-)

    I have my fingers crossed that Santa brings you your Big Green Egg at last! Merry! Happy!

  2. Zoomie, Merry Christmas to you and Buzz.

  3. Greg, Yeah, Happy, Happy Food Year and another cruise too.

  4. Never tried Rutabaga. They scare me. Anything that has a waxy exterior like that must be alien...

    Merry Christmas to you and yours Chilebrown. I expect to see pictures tomorrow if you get a BGE...

  5. I'd give about fifty cents for a truck load of turnips and rutabaga's. Merry Christmas and I have a bay area breakfast on my calendar.

  6. Big Dude, Merry Christmas. We are looking forward to that breakfast. We will have a lot of options.

  7. Happy Boxing Day! Root vegetables are delicious- make bashed neeps, that's even funner to say!

  8. Aaron, Happy Boxing Day to you too. My mother is Canadian. Maybe that is why I love Labatt's.
