Wednesday, January 22, 2014


With a heavy heart and misty eyes we said farewell to our dog Oscar yesterday. Oscar led a full, bouncy, goofy, mischievous,  healthy life. We knew the day was inevitable but it was still a gut wrenching, emotional time. Oscar loved his meat just like his owners. Shown in the image is Oscar trying to sneak some beef when I had my back turned to grab the camera. He enjoyed chasing the ball and barking at almost everything that moved. In his senior years he was a mentor to our young dog Lucy. He willingly let her use him as a pommel horse and taught her the ropes in the art of mischievousness. Oscar we miss you!


  1. I am deeply sad. It sounds like you knew it was inevitable but it was a surprise to me.
    You sound like you are doing well! A loving, well-earned departure to Shaggy-La can be beautiful. I wish your household a bunch of calm, pleasant memories.
    Goodbye, Oscar.

  2. Oscar you were a very sweet dog. We will miss you.
    Auntie, Grandma and Opie

  3. So sorry for your loss - I know gut wrenching is a for sure.

  4. I am so sorry Chilebrown. I can't imagine your feelings right now. Having three of our own, I don't know how I will handle loosing any of them.

  5. What a sweet tribute to a dear companion. I am sad for you today.

  6. Thankyou everyone for your comments. Oscar was a good boy.

  7. So sorry for your loss. If only dogs could live as long as us Humans. Mine are getting older and I dread the day I will be typing this same type of post.

  8. I'm so very sorry. Gut wrenching is the best way to describe the loss of a dog.
