Monday, February 17, 2014


Knowledge is the key to great barbeque. We are on a fun and satisfying journey to achieve barbeque greatness. Big Ed of ‘Big Ed’s Buzzard BBQ” teaches a five hour class in the art and science of smoking and grilling various meats. Big Ed has glowing credentials to teach this class being a bbq competitor, restaurateur and caterer. This class would be the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I skillfully gifted two certificates as stocking stuffers this past Christmas. Come take a glimpse of our tasty classroom experience.

A short trip in the Racing Honda to the ‘Barbecues Galore’ in Palo Alto, California was our destination this sunny morning. Brilliance was the idea to hold a class in a barbeque supply store. Talk about a kid in the candy store. There were about 50 people attending this class. Big Ed started the day by taking a short survey of our cooking medium and favorite meat to cook. I was a little taken back and shocked that half the class used propane as their method of cooking. Now I suppose there is more than one way to skin a chicken, but propane? Really?

Big Ed instructed us on preparing various meats. Purchasing, trimming, seasoning and safe handling was covered. When pork shoulder (butt) was covered Big Ed brought out our first sample of the many to come. Little yummy pulled pork sliders were passed around for us to enjoy. This is my kind of classroom experience when you get to eat your lessons. We covered many different meats. We asked multiple questions. Big Ed answered each inquiry with bbq intelligence and humor. His classroom demeanor made us feel at ease and comfortable. Several hours into the presentation Big Ed announced it was time for lunch.

A buffet style lunch was served by Ed’s family and staff. Brisket, pulled pork, hot links, blue cheese smoked portabella mushrooms, cole slaw and baked beans was our plate today. Luckily there was a Starbucks next door because this was a big lunch and we had several more hours to go. The second half of our class flew by and yes we had even more bbq samples. My belt was experiencing tension in this bbq learning and sampling process.

What we learned today is that there are many paths to achieve barbeque greatness. We took notes and will incorporate our knowledge into our future cooking experiences. Big Ed teaches an informative and tasty class. This class is geared more to the novice bbq cook. I would like to believe that some of the propane users left with a new view of their inadequacy and ignorance. (The views expressed by the writer are not necessarily of the management even though they are true). What a fun day!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds great! I could benefit from a class like that - although I've been barbecuing for years, I'm not consistently pleased with the results.

  2. Zoomie, This class would be perfect for you. I think you could learn a lot if you are receptive and willing to accept instructions. Learning proper techniques will increase your barbeque eating pleasure.

  3. The only thing propane is good for is frying turkeys. I've never owned a gas grill, never will. I only cook on one at work to make hot dogs for our Earth Day event... Looks like you had fun Chilebrown. Any kernels of info to pass along about ribs?

  4. I'm with you - any class that allows you to eat good Q all day has got to be good.

  5. Three Dogs BBQ, Barbecuing with propane just seems wrong.I use propane on my portable stove and sometimes with my flame thrower to start a fire. I have the whole cob on ribs but that will have to wait for another day.

    Big Dude, It was a lot of food. Good times.

  6. A show and times!
