Monday, February 3, 2014


The prime rib was tender, smoky, juicy and totally satisfying but something sweet would top off this perfect meal. I admit that I have a sweet tooth. 'Craftsman and Wolves' is a "Contemporary Patisserie" located in San Francisco.'Contemporary Patisserie' is a hipster term for fancy sweet stuff. Craftsman and Wolves has been getting a lot of press and coverage on the media. A show on the food network showcasing the offerings  had us drooling with sweet anticipation. It was time for not a 'Meat Adventure" but a sweet tooth quenching

Anybody that has ever ventured to the 'City' knows about the parking dilemma. Our friend Greg mentioned that we had good parking Karma. I prefer to 'think' that we use a version of the famous 'Professor Harold Hill' infamous 'Think System" that he used on the 'River City Marching Band" We thought of parking therefore it was; right in front. We brought a pocketful of quarters because not all the meters are the new fangled versions that quickly and deeply drain money directly from your piggy bank. We have arrived.

We had an idea of what we wanted to order after watching the television teaser. It is a good thing because of all the devilishly tempting treats available. We had to try the hot warm salted caramel drink. It was a latte style beverage. House made caramel was steamed with milk to form a rich satisfying sweet decadent beverage.It was served with a small sweet wafer cookie. The salt factor accented the richness of this drink. A small  intricately layered and decorated  cake was another must have choice. The base was chocolate cake with a caramel praline layer topped with a fluffy mouse. This was all covered in chocolate with chocolate candy gilding the lily. Oh my oh my!!

Ms. Goofy had a soft lemon cheesecake like custard that was served in a bottle. We were not finished there because we ordered a brownie to bring home for later. This was a brownie sandwich whose filling was chocolate and caramel. Craftsman and Wolves is a fantastic place to appease your sweet tooth. We only scratched the surface of the sweet offerings available. When you go just 'Think' parking and it will appear.

Craftsman and Wolves
746 Valencia Street
 San Francisco CA 94110


  1. We happen to be going to the city today. I hope we have time to check this out!

  2. Well at least you didn't have to look at Elway.

  3. This post is making my teeth hurt and giving me a sugar high. Looks good though. Salted caramel is a favorite of mine. Especially when bourbon is incorporated.

  4. Zoomie, Be sure to try the caramel drink. Most excellent.

    Lea Ann, I have experienced what you are feeling right now. You are down and vulnerable. All I have to say is there is always next year. I have been saying that for a long time.

    Three Dogs BBQ, They might frown if I brought a bottle of bourbon in. Good idea though.

  5. Maybe I said you have good Carma ;)
    I am on my yearly after the holiday sins diet so I will barely glance at your beautiful photos. Drool!

  6. Missed it this trip. There was a police action going on in their block and the officers wouldn't let us past the yellow tape. Bomb scare, which turned out to be nothing...

  7. Greg, I an not even in your league. Maybe a cruise or two for camera practice.

    Zoomie, Oh, the old bomb scare technique for getting a parking spot.
