Sunday, April 13, 2014


'The Great Tomato Plant Sale' was held yesterday by the 'Contra Costa Master Gardners. With over forty different varieties of heirloom tomatoes to choose from, guess which one beckoned out to me. 'Bloody Butcher' was put in our cart. How could I pass this by. Now I just have to be patient until that first bacon, lettuce and 'Bloody Butcher' tomato sandwich of the season.


  1. I picked up some decent vine tomatoes at our local farm market yesterday. But, you have to watch where you shop this days. The DEA might come calling...

  2. Love the photo and the dream of blt!

  3. Three Dogs BBQ, The DEA would be awfully busy in California. I can still picture Nancy Regan stomping her foot and saying 'Just Say NO'.

    Zoomie, This sale was a lot calmer,nicer than that mad house tomato sale we saw you at a couple of years ago.

  4. It is time for me to remind you, that you owe me. I insist you pay me in tomatos and peppers. XOXO GWH

  5. Oh greatwhite hunter, After delivering sausage and bacon from your "Great Meat Adventure" I am externally grateful. You are first on the list.
